Tuesday, December 30, 2008

2008 New Year's Wishes

I don’t know if I can top last years, but I’ll give it a try!

The first is for me (Hey, I’m writing it, I get the first wish!) – I wish for a healthy New Year. I wish for the body that I want. I wish for peace of mind. I wish to stop worrying about what other people think of me and just be me. I wish for people to tell me the truth even if it hurts and I wish to be able to tell people what I really think without worrying if it will hurt their feelings or our friendship. I wish for more friendship, more love, and always more money. I wish that doing day care at home pays off and I’m able to stay home instead of going back to work in the corporate world. I wish for my husband to love me more. I wish for my kids to be healthy and happy. I wish for more patience to deal with both them and John. I wish for more energy and more willingness and less procrastination.

John - I wish him Health. I wish that he would see what he’s doing to himself. That he needs to take care of his blood pressure, his sleep apnea and his weight before it’s too late. I wish him Hope. Hope that his future will be better than it is now. Not necessarily perfect, but at least more comfortable. I wish him Romance. I wish that he would see that I’m doing this to my body for him as much as for me and I wish he would recognize it more and encourage me more. I want him to have a trophy wife (not that I’ll ever be that good looking). I wish him Love. I wish that he knew how much I loved him.

Nick - I wish him Calm. To be able to know when he’s loosing control and handle it. I know that’s a wish for the far future, but I hope one day it happens. I wish him Knowledge. I hope that everything he learns in school gets sucked into that brain of his and makes him smarter than we are so he can do more than we’ve done. And I wish him Fun. I wish that he is able to have Fun at least once every single day.

Calli - I wish her Health. I wish her not to have to struggle the way Nick is. I wish I could go back in time and change something I did so that neither of my children would have to face the battle this life is about to deal them. I wish her Patience. Patience to deal with a Mommy who isn’t always patient with her. I wish her Happiness in everything she does. I wish her all the jewelry, make-up and dresses her little closet can handle.

Mom – I wish you Health. I wish for all your aches and pains to go away. I wish for Youth. For you to feel as young as you are inside. I wish you Nature. For all of your surroundings to bloom and grow into the beauty of the earth. I wish you a Happy Life and Retirement.

Pop – I wish you Health as well. I wish for your diabetes to magically go away so you can have all the sweets you want! I wish for the pounds to magically go away so you can walk and run and dance the night away. I wish you Money so you and Mom can quit working and have fun in retirement.

Joanne – I wish you Health always. I wish for the MS to go away and leave you in peace. Or at least a progression so slow that it doesn’t fully hit till you’re 90 and have enjoyed your life. I wish you Peace. Peace of mind knowing that everything may not be the way you want it to be, but it is how it’s supposed to be. I wish you Grandma’s love. I wish you to be the wonderful, loving grandmother that our Grandma was to us.

Andrea – I wish you Sobriety. I wish for you to stay on this new path you are on. To stay clean and sober and to live your life like you should have done for the past 15 years. I wish you Love with your man. I wish you Peace with your kids. I wish you Joy with yourself.

John's Family - I wish you Joy. Joy in everything you do from big to small. To be happy with every meal, every conversation, every sunrise. To smile for no reason, to laugh because you smiled. To love each other every single day.

Faith & John - I wish you Happiness. I wish to see you more often. I wish for our girls to be closer. I wish for a full life for you. I’m also still wishing for a new niece or nephew. hee hee

Aunt Irene – I wish you Joy. I am so glad that we have the relationship that we do and I hope that it just gets stronger. I wish you Love. Love from your man, your kids, and your friends. I hope that your kids know what a great mother they have even when you’re being a mother. You’ve been through it all and I hope they can see that even though they may not like it, you do know what you’re talking about. I wish you Strength. Strength to be able to handle whatever else may come your way.

Laura – I love you girl! I wish you Love. Enough love to spread through that brood of yours. And so much love in return that your heart is overflowing every day. I wish you Health. I wish you Hope. I wish you Joy and I wish you lived closer to me! Thank you for coming back into my life and saving me from many a meltdown when it came to Nick.

Cassy and Casey – I wish you Everything. You are starting your lives together in a big way. I wish you Strength to deal with whatever may come. I wish you Love to pour over that precious new baby. I wish you Money to pour into that new house. I wish you Peace in your everyday. I wish you abounding Happiness for the rest of your lives. I also wish you Knowledge. Remember, you’re smarter than you think and you can do just about anything. Choose a path and follow it. It may fork, but it will only lead you to a better destination. I wish you Luck. The best of luck for everything you do.

The rest of my family - I wish you all Health, Happiness and Peace. I wish that you all enjoy your lives the way they are and strive to make them even better. I wish you all a wonderful New Year.

All my old Avis co-workers – I wish you Employment! I heard that they were outsourcing all of you and I hope that you all move on to bigger and better things. May you all get 6 figure jobs! Best of luck to all of you.

My Baby Board Girls - I wish you Love. I wish I hadn’t strayed so far away from all of you. Just remember, I think of you often and you’re always in my heart. You guys are great friends/sisters. I send all of you warm hugs and kisses!

Margaret – I wish you Success. Success in MK so great that you surpass Cindy. I wish you Love. You ooze love from every pour of your body everyday and I hope that you receive just as much back and then some. You are a wonderful person through and through and I hope you see all that you have and treasure it.

Donna – I wish you Peace. Peace from the world. I wish for them to find a cure for cancer, a cure for immune diseases, a cure for age so that you can have your family with you always. I wish you all the best in everything. Thank you for being there for me the past year. The job may not have worked out, but life is trying to find a way. I also wish you more phone calls and visits from me!

Rich & Kevin – I wish you Abundance. An abundance of everything. Love, Joy, Hope and Peace. May your love for each other grow each day. I wish you tolerance. Tolerance from others as well as from yourselves. I wish you every happiness. Thank you for being our friends even if we are a bit uncouth!

Lea & Tom – I wish you Pleasure. Pleasure taken from everything around you. Your kids, your spouse, your crazy lanky dog. I hope that we stay friends for a very long time. Thank you Lea for all your hard work. For your pressure to keep me on track. For helping me through this transformation. Without your daily push, I wouldn’t be where I am today. You get ALL the credit on this one. Thank your for being my work out buddy! Thank you for looking so damn good that it gives me motivation to look as good as you! I’m so glad our kids got put on the same team. It’s been a great few months and I hope it can be a lifetime friendship. Tom, thank you for your patience. I know dealing with the technically challenged can be hard! We promise to wait until next year to screw anything else up!

Michelle & Tim – I wish you Love. Love each other and your kids with your whole heart everyday. I wish you Real Estate. I wish for you to be able to sell your house and buy the one you’ve always dreamed of. I wish you Friendship. I wish for you to have more friends than you can handle and more joy than your heads can take. I wish you Success in business. I wish for Tim’s phone projects to sell a gazillion and for Shell’s cake business to take off. Imagine that new house with a separate commercial kitchen in it! I wish you Patience and Tolerance. Patience to deal and appreciate my kids for what they are even if they are a pain in the ass. More tolerance for them would mean more chances for us to have fun together. Thank you for being our friends. For being there for us and for caring enough to want to.

Mark, Kim, Allison, Eric and Liz – I wish you Success. Success in everything you do. Whether it be business, love, home, or life. I hope to see marriage in the future for all of you. I wish you Growth. Grow your love, grow your lives, grow you minds. I wish you Sight. See things that are around you that you may not have noticed. And try to see things in a new light. Your opinion from yesterday could be different today. I wish you Love. Love yourselves for who you are not what you think you should be.

To all of the other people I know - I wish you the joys of the holiday season. To remember the holidays are about giving, not getting. And not necessarily gifts you buy. Gifts of the heart. Gifts of Love, of Friendship, of Hope. It’s about family and friends. I wish each of you a Very Merry Christmas and a healthy, happy, prosperous New Year.


Anonymous said...

wish me health too. I don't need another seizure driving and wreck my car again :( I wish you luck!!!!

Anonymous said...

... That was totally awesome... I was crying my eyes out just when I was up to Mom and Pop... Seriously... You are so giving and wonderful, I wish you all the things that you hope for always. Life hasn't beeen that fair to you in some ways, but in others you are vastly rich. Miss you tons... big hugs...

Mira said...

I love you cousin! Happy New Year, and you know you can call me anytime. Give all a kiss and a hug for me. And thanks again for the clothes!!! You rock. Well, you rock even when you don't send me presents but presents are pretty cool too. :)