Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I'm at a loss people. I really don't want to go back to work, but we all know that's not even an option.

John thinks I should do Mary Kay full time (did you hear that Margaret??) But when you just start out in the business, it takes a while to get into the full swing and make some money. Not to mention the fact that I know that I'm REALLY LAZY!! Don't get me wrong, when I get to the people's house and start my thing, I have a BLAST! I love it. But, I hate all the work behind it. I hate having to call people, keeping track of everything, setting up. I procrastinate too much. Hell, Margaret told me to call 5 people I know to have them do a party and I still haven't done that!! 5 stinkin people, and I haven't done it. What the hell??? I am doing a fashion show this weekend which will give me some names to get off the ground with though.

I think maybe I'll look for something part time as well. Just to keep some definite money coming in. Part time wont be a lot of money, but it's something, and then I can supplement with MK.

There is one job here in town that is a full time Admin. I'm going to put in my application and see what they pay. If they'll pay me what I was making, I think maybe I'll take it. I don't know. I'm ready to just pack up and move to Utah or something.

I can't keep my mind straight. I'm forgetting things, I'm tired, totally out of it. I need to get myself back together. Ug, such is my life.

So anyway, I need five of you to get together 3-5 friends. Hell, I'll bring the wine! (Not guaranteeing good wine) Just get some friends together that have a little dough to spend. I need to get MK rolling. If you guys call me and say you have people, I'm going to have to get off my ass. Come on folks, save me!

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