Monday, July 14, 2008

Morning all.

I'm so tired. I just want to stay in bed all day. I think it's all these extra freaking vitamins I have to take. Not only am I tired, my legs ache and my poo is green. WTF!! Arg. Too weird. 1 more week. Then liquids for a really long time!

I'm watching VH1's totally 80's. I forgot how tight we used to wear our jeans back then. And not just the girls. You can tell the religion of more of the guys. I think they're doing a Journey hour. LOVE Journey, but damn, they were scary looking. The lead singer was very Metro. Scary teeth, not like snaggle tooth, but really yellow. And they all look like their hung over... which, for the 80's, they probably were. Wow, Faithfully is a really depressing video.

Interesting weekend. We went down to Rockaway on Saturday and hung at Shell's for a bbq before heading off to the fireworks. I have attended these fireworks every year of my entire life. I have never missed one. This year was as good as ever. Although, I don't know if it was the wind or where they were blowing them from, but we were getting pelted with ash, burning embers and pieces of the shells. Liz got hit by a piece the size of a freaking softball. Crap was going in our eyes, our clothes and hair were covered. Very annoying. Of course my daughter fell asleep half way through. It still amazes me that both my kids can sleep through that. Nick stayed awake this year.

Afterwards we went back to Shell's for beer pong. There were 10 of us playing. It got VERY interesting around 2 am. Lets just say, inhibitions were freed. It was WAY more fun that way.

We got home around 4am and then John woke me at 10:30. Up, get kids in the pool for a little bit, everyone shower and off to Shell's again for Tyler's birthday party. Tyler's party is always very fun because it's always hot and is always a water fight. No one is immune, if you're there and in the line of fire, you WILL get wet. Shelly's kitchen floor is REALLY clean now. Mark, Kim and I were in the kitchen and he was filling a bowl with water. Kim had a cup filled. I was behaving and just getting a cup of coffee. We all went to go back out and I decided that being in front of him was not the best idea since I would end up getting it dumped on me. Kim had the same idea. He just kept saying, no, it's ok, go. HA, no thanks. So, to make it easier, I just flipped the bowl of water in his hands onto him and Kim dumped the cup over his head. NICE! He did get pay back though. It wasn't fair, I couldn't run in the sandals I had on!! It was a very fun day all in all. Everyone was soaked (except for John, cause, well, he's John) and tired!!

Oh, the bright blue eye shadow from the 80's... HA, lovely. "We can dance, we can dance, everyone look at your hands"... What the hell kind of lyrics were those??? Not to mention all the words to "I'm turning Japanese" Oh lord. Watching this is making me feel sorry for all us 80's children. We grew up in really stupid times.

Margaret and Rhett need more votes!! Search for UFO. FIVE STARS is the ONLY acceptable rating!! Get to it!!

1 comment:

Shell said...

Ha, clean floor my butt! Once the 2 inches of water dried I was left with grass and mud all over the kitchen and back porch. I am so proud of everyone for keeping the living room dry :) I am exhausted and have been trying to clean up all day. I don't think we'll be having any dual parties here in one weekend any time soon. Atleast next weekend all of the fun will be outside. I can't wait to go camping!!!