Thursday, February 14, 2008

Calli's party will be SATURDAY around 2:30-3. Come one come all. I'm attempting a Care Bear cake. If you see a sheet cake, you know that Happy Bear didn't make it.

I'm so glad I took off yesterday. It's a damn good thing. Besides the fact that we FINALLY HAVE INTERNET!! No more crap reception! YAYAY But, I went into the kitchen and heard a weird noise and wondered what the cats were into. But the noise was coming from the counter and there were no cats on the counter. Then, I look and see that the noise is the water that's dripping from my ceiling to my counter! My roof was leaking. Oh Joy! I cleared the counter and put some bowls out. About 1/2 hour later I realized that in the center of the ceiling we were getting a droop and a large spot. I called John.. "Uhm, you want me to put a hole in the ceiling or just wait for it to collapse" He was good with the hole. LOL If I hadn't been home, God only knows what would have happened.

Thursday Thoughts!

If you won a million dollars but told that you would die if you took it and would live if you didn't take the money...would you die a millionaire or stay normal forever?

Well, I think it would be stupid to take the money if I couldn’t enjoy it. I think I’d stay poor and hope that I inherit it from the fool that does take it and croaks.

Did your ass look good in my jeans or what?

I was told that my ass look really good in your jeans. I believe someone also mentioned something to the contrary. So… I’m pleading the 5th.

If a person owns a piece of land, do they own it all the way to the earth's core?

I should know this cause I have my real estate license. Hmmm Were you planning on checking out the core any time soon or can I get back to you on that one?

If you could physically transport yourself to any place in the world at this moment, where would you go?

My bed! No, scratch that. A comfortable bed. Surrounded by big fluffy blankets and pillows with gorgeous naked men standing all around me waiting at my beck and call with anything I could desire. Fanning me with big feathers (Cause we’re someplace warm of course) while they beg me to allow them the pleasure of pleasing me.

What is one talent or skill you don't have but always wanted?

I wanna be like Tim. I want his metabolism!!! That is a talent any girl would want. To eat and eat to your hearts content and never gain a stinkin pound. Aaahhh heaven.

If you were friends with someone who talked about you behind your back and you found out, would you still remain friends with me?

With you??? “remain friends with me”… Are you talkin shit Joss? Here is my theory on that. If you were truly my friend, then you would say all the bad stuff right to my face. You wouldn’t be some weak ass chick that just whispers behind my back. So technically you wouldn’t have been my friend in the first place. Just some looser trying to get attention because your jealous that my friends like me more than you.

If one of your children were sick and needed either your bone marrow for a transplant or stem cells from a siblings umbilical cord and you had a year to decide what would you do?

I would most likely do the bone marrow transplant. A little pain would be nothing to save them. Having another baby is way to risky for me and the baby. But I would do anything for my kids. But I think they would rather I live through whatever my choice would be.

Would you rather eat a hairy, rotten piece of fruit or a piece of chicken that just gave your friend food poisoning.

I think I’ll go for the hairy fruit. If I eat the chicken, I KNOW that it’s going to make me sick cause Shelly's over there puking. I’m not so sure about the fruit. It’s a long shot, but I’ll take it. I shouldn't be eating right now anyway. I should be holding Shelly's hair and praying the pizza guy gets here quick so I don't have to eat either!


Shell said...

My random thoughts for your post:

I'll be there!

Should have let the ceiling collapse, atleast then you could have claimed the repair on your home insurance.

Share the mill you inherit with me?

Your ass looked hot no matter what anyone says. And we are taking you jean shopping because as your best friend, I didn't even know you had that body until Saturday!

You don't own it to the core or you wouldn't have to get a permit to excavate.

Can I join you?

Everyone wants to be like Tim :)

Friend is a very defined word.

Bone marrow involves needles but child birth doesn't have to. With your back you could be screwed for either.

Thanks for holding my hair. I would have taken the food poisoning anyway, hey atleast I'd lose weight. Puke and Rally!

Hehehe, I blogged on your blog again.

Anonymous said...

I just would like to say everyone wants to be like shell
your ass always looks hot
and friends are like assholes, everybody has one but to have one that will put up with your shit is a bleesing

Anonymous said...

Oh my god. I can't stop laughing. You people definately put a smile on my face everyday and gives me something to look forward to............ummm...oh wait... that's not saying much ;) hahahahahahahahaha jkkkkkkkkk.

K~ I wore your jeans yesterday and realized you needed a pair of your own ;)

Friends are great but when one betrays...out the f**king door...seeeee ya..don't let the door hit you in the ass


Anonymous said...

DAMMIT!!! Why do I read this every day. I was Ok till I got to the hairy fruit........

Mira said...

I second that. Then I realized that kiwi is a hairy fruit. I'm going for the kiwi.
I have absolutely no knowledge about your ass, but if the jeans are comfortable who gives a shit?
The grass is always greener. Everyone I know who has a super inefficient metabolism spends their days trying to gain weight... and wishing for boobs.
The only thing I own to the core are the apples on the counter. I'd take childbirth any day but I gave birth to 7 children at home so what the heck do I know.
Glad you're not smoking. Nasty habit. Did you know you can't smoke in California in any public places? It's so weird for me to go to a state that has a "smoking section"... there's no such thing here.