Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Run Run Run

Just so all of my loyal readers know (all 3 of them!) I don't have internet at home so I wont be able to blog unless I can get on my friends computer on Thursday. I will be AWOL Thursday - Sunday. Posting again Monday no doubt.

The next couple days are going to be CRAZY. Tomorrow is my husbands birthday, Thursday is Nick's birthday and Thanksgiving. I have to take the kids to the store tonight to buy dress shoes. Who knew that dirty, grungy sneakers wouldn't look good with dress clothes?? Then, take them home and drop them off to dad while I go BACK out and buy birthday presents. Come home - make cupcakes for school tomorrow and somehow figure out how to get them to school in one piece.

Tomorrow, go to work, come home, make a special dinner for hubby. Thursday, we're taking the kids on the Path train into the city to watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. We thought that would be a good birthday for Nick. I just can't wait to get up at 5am to get them ready and out the door. Have I mentioned that I am NOT a morning person?? And, John is working nights this week again, which means he's not going to get ANY sleep. He's gonna be lovely. He is just the sweetest thing when he's tired. (Can you sense the sarcasm??) Hey, we're gonna be in New York.. if he pisses me off, I'll leave him there for the wolves.

Speaking of New York. I LOVE the city. I am a New Yorker by blood on my father's side. They were all born and raised there. We went there all the time. I was street smart by the time I was 3. I NEVER had fear of the city. My sister on the other hand, would be rolling up the windows and locking the doors as we passed the New Jersey/New York split in the Lincoln Tunnel. (Explain to me how someone was gonna jump us in the tunnel going 60 MPH?) I swear I was adopted. When I got my driver's license, I used to take day trips into the city. I would park the car and just walk around looking at everything. I love Central Park. I love the Village. I am a total people watcher. I could just sit and watch people go by all day long. New York is the best place to people watch.

Now that I'm married (to a man that HATES the city - Did I mention how LOVELY he's going to be on Thursday) with kids, I barely ever get to go. I need to change that. I miss all the entertainers. The smell of the city (even the not so nice scents). The hustle and bustle of the streets. If you've never been there... GO, it's shear joy.


Unknown said...

LOL I would go, but it's too darn expensive! :P I hope you guys have a good long weekend.

Shell said...

Okay, so I finally read all of your blogs and am up to date. I am not as lucky as you to sit in an office and have nothing to do but putz around on the computer. Actually, I just woke up from my nap. Hehehe, jk. When you find that little cleaning fairy send her my way and tell her to bring her friends. It was sooo worth you cleaning for the party, don't you think? Did you send that order in yet? Anticipation is killing me! I need to hang my swing :) I hope you have fun in NY and not lose a child. Well maybe your oldest (hubby) but he'll find his way home anyway. I have to start cleaning now for Thanksgiving that I wasn't supposed to be having. Hmmm when am I supposed to defrost that big bird? The plan we decided is that the first bottle of wine gets opened when we stick Tom in the oven and we don't stop till everyone (at least the in laws) are gone. So I will be good and plastered by the time you get here for dessert.

Sorry, I think I just kinda blogged your blog. Well that's what you get for telling me to read it and leave a comment. Love ya babe.